Old Pilks warehouses (also... I'll post the warehouse photos tomorrow). Been closed for years on the site where the new St Helens Rugby ground would be. Took 2 hours getting into this place. Worth every second of it. Wowza.
This is in the biggest warehouse we found. When we were about to leave we found a small gap into this GIANT room. I couldn't believe how big it actually was. It was amazing. It was pitch black though. You could see the dusted over windows at the other end on the roof. But other than that it was really pitch black.
Here's some machinery from the corner of that warehouse.
Yeh. These pictures dont even begin to show the amount of glass. But the more worrying thing was thorns when we were getting in. One of the lads Andy shredded his legs badly.
Sort of want to go back for the giant warehouse when its light be we are more likely to be spotted then.