To avoid arguments later, me and Kate get first pick of bedroom. We'll be staying in the small one. Probably in the room on the left, however, if that big ass spider is there we will be choosing another room. After we pick you can all call bagsys on where you want.
A few choice quotes that sum up last night very well, for those who couldn't make it:
"BRRRRAAaaaAAAAP"... "Three times!"... "Chest cavity filled with bear semen"... "Rape them out of existence"... "PAAAAAAARP"... "If I stand up, you're going to throw my chair on the fire again"... "PfffffffffrrRUUUMP".
"Saddam is just part of the problem, if Saddam invested more in the pussy infrastructure of Iraq than he did in his fucking gay ass army, then this country would be no more fucked up than say, Mexico." - Cpl Josh Ray Person - Generation Kill
Regarding my tummy troubles. Sunday afternoon, i decided to iron some shirts for the week ahead. It took me 1 and a half hours to Iron 5 shirts and 2 pairs of kecks as the hilarious large farts from the night before turned into the worst kind of nightmare. The mixture of Guinness, mead, kevs hot pot and lots of carbo filled crisps sent my bowels into some kind of war zone.
Never have i had it so bad, explosion after explosion of violent diaherria resembling yop thick chocolate milkshake. cold....sooo cold...