You know, I can't actually wait for this - it sound brilliant!!!! Some mega-tasty riffs in that report, and we also have the same Jackson guitar! Do you have any artwork or anything yet to 'leak' to us?
Artwork is underway so nothing is yet complete. However, album is getting on pretty good and we're into the last stint of recording, so hopefully all will be finished and good to go early next year.
Might get some T shirts done before this though if you'd be interested?
Cool.. I'll give you a shout once we've got some stuff ready to go.
In the meantime, I'm off on holiday to catch some rays..
Can't wait to get this all finished..
Sorted a guy for mastering, his name is Kevin Metcalfe.. Looks like a good man for the job.. Hopefully we'll have the whole album to him at the beginning of January so won't be too long after that.
I'll be thinking of you all whilst sat on the beach enjoying the sun.
Ok, the album has far exceeded budget and timescales that were originally set (only a year late), but the light is finally at the end of the tunnel..
T shirts are being printed this week, we have the design also being wrapped up this week so we'll have a thousand CD's on the press sometime during December. Looks like we're probably be running into January before all is set to go, but we'll have an online shop, a new Myspace and all will be good - REALLY SOON!
The album has been mastered by Kevin Metcalfe (Dickinson, Queen, ELO)
Featuring artwork from Brian Churilla (Red 5 comics)
I've uploaded another track from the album to our Myspace and Facebook page (Need to get some fans on this - so I'd appreciate any help) - This is our track 'Ghost Fighter' (WW2 Superhero) that features on the album (We've saved the best for the album)
I'll shout you all again once all is set and the time is right..
Ha! yeah, good one! - I'm not a drunk, just a binge drinker
Anyway, seems we've been most unfortunate with people involved along the way, we had Will Towles doing some artwork for us, he had a premature child and that all went to shit for ages. Churilla had some skanky eye disease which set him back ages too.. Then we had some jeb of a graphic designer who took 3 months longer than expected who we ended up ditching and had to start over, and well.. It's been a right nightmare just getting our shit together..
Anyway, less of the excuses.. I just want the album!
Ghost Fighter is sounding ace. I remember listening to it ages ago when it was on the myspace page. It was good back then but this new version has polished it up nicely, very nicely indeed. Splendid work.
Cheers dude, I just want to get the album out there.. It's been almost 2 years. I think when we started off, we figured we'd record it over 2 weeks.. Fuck me, how wrong could we be
I have no doubt that it will be worth the wait though. Plus, given the power contained within the album, its best to take your time and get it right. To release it without the proper testing could have apocolyptic consequences!
I tried to buy one but it won't let me. I get this message :
"You cannot use an email address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account. If you have a PayPal account, please log in. If you don't, please change the email address or card number and try again."
I don't have a paypal account, I was trying to pay by credit card, when that failed I tried my debit card. Which also failed.
No shirt for me.
I'll try again tomorrow, see if the internet Gods are in a better mood.
What? That sounds rubbish.. Need to get any issues ironed out before the album is out.. Can you just make a paypal payment to