Just got a list of reasons that my ex wants to put down as evidence of me behaving unreasonably so that we can get divorced.
I cannot believe how bullshitified this list is.
1. He didn't support me in anything I did.
2. He put all his needs, wants and desires before anything for "us".
3. He promised continuously to help around the house - and with things in general, because I was unwell - but never pulled through and actually helped.
4. Whatever spare time we had that we could spend together he would fill up with doing things by himself, playing computer games, watching wrestling, watching comedy or performing comedy, anything but spending time with me.
5. He carried on living his life as if he were a single man, without a care in the world about his responsibilities or, about me, his wife.
6. He'd expect everything to go his way, if I tried to express that I was upset or unhappy about things, he would ignore me or put on an act so that the focus was back on him again.
7. He found someone else within a couple of weeks of us having broken up.
Here is my deconstruction of this bullpoop.
1. This one is false because I went out and worked for a living in order to support her dream of sitting on the sofa all day.
2. This one is false because I gave up pursuing my dream of being a stand-up comedian in order to spend that time at home.
3. Who cut the grass every saturday? Who watered everything in the greenhouse twice a day? You bet yer ass it wasn't someone with titties.
4. I didn't perform comedy whilst being married once.
5. This one genuinely pisses me off. All joking aside, it's truly slanderous. I made all the money and made sure all the bills and rent were always paid on time because she couldn't work. How is that ignoring my responsibilities?!
6. In actuality, if she was was upset or unhappy about things, she would usually express it by staying with her parents and refusing to talk to me.
7. Since when is me doing something after we split up grounds for divorce?!
I thought this divorce would be friggin' easy. Unfortunately, it just got ugly.
No 7 can be used although infedality is almost impossible to prove without the other person admitting it?
And seeing your technically married it is still classed as adultary. This is how i got karen to pay for the divorce. I admitted to made up crap so she I wouldnt divorce her and name him in the petetion as long as she agreed to pay for it.
It worked
If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?