We were having some japes last night and ste shown us this video
We then had a look around and noticed there wasn't a comando one. As we near the break even point our first 'celebration' is to make the sweded version of comando at Goerners bungalow in wales with a budget of £200 for all props.
All ideas and people 'wanting in' goes here. We're aiming to make the film about 7 minutes long and Bratty has (blates) baggsied arnie to do the voices.
So far the rules of sweded we've learned so far is. If you have a black mate, they play all the ethnic characters, if there are none you only black up your face to the chin. You have to sing the opening themes. Arnie films are the funniest.
Normally I shy away from video making but i really want this to happen, we need a condensed script, key props needed and scenes to shoot.
Twilight is shit. My gf brought the fucking book round round one day, so I raped the bitch.
When matrix says the immortal "i eat green berets for breakfast" line, i think it would be a perfect chance to do a family guy/simpsons retrospective dream like shot of matrix sat at the table doing an advert for green beret-os breakfast cereal, before doing the fight sequence where the black guy ends up falling on the table leg.
Dan or leigh will have to be the security guard in the phone box that matrix picks up in the mall as they weigh the least
might have to sneakly use the cockhedge centre for some mall shots as i think that is the one with the least visible security, unless ste can have a word with the guys at the arndale ;)
Humming the incidental music is a must.
its a shame stu has not got his girly perm anymore as he would have been a great cindy.
I had no idea that jenny (alyssa milano) was the woman who played billie in my name is earl, HOT!