Not got mine yet with that said, my online passwords are linked to my visa cards & are set to my old address. Every pissing site seems to want you to have a user profile nowadays, can't just buy something and have it posted to you. Cuntsticks.
Twilight is shit. My gf brought the fucking book round round one day, so I raped the bitch.
Me and The Asp are heading for the Kro Bar bout 5.30 ish then after gig presume we go down to grand central or summat ... Asp booking our taxi for 12.30 ish...
Ste was still pissed at 12:00 today. What did you animals do to him?!?!?!
"Saddam is just part of the problem, if Saddam invested more in the pussy infrastructure of Iraq than he did in his fucking gay ass army, then this country would be no more fucked up than say, Mexico." - Cpl Josh Ray Person - Generation Kill