On Monday afternoon, whilst standing on the door in my shop (I do security) a rather large IC3 (black) fellow approached me seeking assistance. His enquiry, did we have any copies of Arnies "Pumping Iron" DVD, was meet with a bemused, "where do I know you from?" look on my face. I checked to see if we had any in stock, we did not, and I advised the chap to try our larger store on Market st. Then the penny dropped...............IT WAS ONLY FUCKIN PURPLE AKI!!!!
He was being followed round Manchester by security and CCTV, just in case!!!
I wanted too, I really did, but there were a couple of Arndale guards stood opposite n I figured it wouldn't look very professional! I'll always have the memory tho!
In April 2009 a crack muscle toucher was sent to prison by a Mersyside court for a crime he probably did commit. This man promptly escaped from a minimum security stockade to the Manchester underground. Today, still wanted by the govenrment, he survives as a toucher of muscles. If you have a bicep, if no one else can squeeze it, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire....................... Purple Aki!
However, the BBC say he should still be in prison. Maybe he really did escape! Or maybe it wasn't him. Who knows.