Right. I was sat having a nice time with Black Sabbath playing and over my music outside i could hear the most horric sounds ive ever heard in my life. It was like a dog voilently barking and a man screaming for help, and it sounded like he was screaming for his life. Half the street came out on the front wondering what the fucks gone on. People have gone looking but cant find anything, theres a big dark empty field at the back of the houses and farm land, it could have been from there, or the main road. Ive just never heard anything like that in my life, it stopped after 30 seconds to a kminute. I have no fucking idea of what it was. I cant explain those screams....
Haha, that was amazing. I read through the wiki article on him earlier. It's so blatantly been trolled as well, but still i wish i had a local rapist legend.
Purple Aki was (we thought) an urban myth who parents wouldn't let you play out late at night or purple aki would get (aka rape) you.
Turns out aki is a real guy around mersyside who has had so many restaining orders for touching mens musclues he's constantly in jail for it. he was called purple Aki as he was so black he shined purple like when you spill car oil on the floor!