"Saddam is just part of the problem, if Saddam invested more in the pussy infrastructure of Iraq than he did in his fucking gay ass army, then this country would be no more fucked up than say, Mexico." - Cpl Josh Ray Person - Generation Kill
Steak! Always steak. Sometimes both though. But always with gravey, always. Unless the gravey is substituted with an equal amount of butter, then butter is best.
Reading - Just in case anyone cares, I'm currently on The Onion's Our Dumb World
Pogo stick or space hopper?
"Saddam is just part of the problem, if Saddam invested more in the pussy infrastructure of Iraq than he did in his fucking gay ass army, then this country would be no more fucked up than say, Mexico." - Cpl Josh Ray Person - Generation Kill
"Saddam is just part of the problem, if Saddam invested more in the pussy infrastructure of Iraq than he did in his fucking gay ass army, then this country would be no more fucked up than say, Mexico." - Cpl Josh Ray Person - Generation Kill
As I watched Kelly's Heroes the other day, Clint by a nose.
Chips n curry or chips n gravy?
"Saddam is just part of the problem, if Saddam invested more in the pussy infrastructure of Iraq than he did in his fucking gay ass army, then this country would be no more fucked up than say, Mexico." - Cpl Josh Ray Person - Generation Kill