I have decided that I need to stop buying guitars and upgrade my other gear, as it is shit/old/worn etc.
First purchases!!:
1x Planet Waves 20' circuit breaker lead
2x Planet Waves Custom 20' leads
2x Klotz 2.5m speaker leads
Once my current ebay auctions finish and probably after next pay day:
moulded 4U flight case for my amp head
bag for GT-8 (there's no way I'm spending £100 on a hard case for it!!)
But! Then I started thinking "What if I get a 6U rack case - then I'd have space for a rack mounted tuner...and something (anything) else!"
Would a 6U case be too cumbersome do you think? I could always get the 4U then at a later date get a further 2/3/4U for other items, depending on how ambitious I get?
I wonder how much I could get for my power block..?
Well my leads arrived and very nice they are too...except the daft fucker got the order wrong so I have to send one back. If he ever responds to my emails that is!
Watch this space for possibly the ultimate flightcase purchase/bargain.
well, the flightcase bargain fell through, but instead I have nabbed a korg rackmount tuner for £45!!! mega bargainz. Of course what will mean I now need a 6U flight case - unlucky Shak!