It was a workmates birthday so we did paintball followed by and evening of booze and all you can eat chinese in Liverpool. It was ace. However, today, I cannot remember the last time I was in so much pain. Not from the paintball hits, that just stung a little at the time, but from the muscles in my legs and back. I am not as young and fit as I once was. I can hardly walk. It is most unamusing. Worth it though, its a top place. When my bank account has recovered, I'll see if anyone is interested in going. It'll set you back about £60 though. Well, thats roughly how much I spent. The initial cost was £25 which got you entry, all the gear, 300 balls and a craptastic pizza. It was from 9am to 4pm and in total we played 10 games, thats 5 game zones, doing each one from both sides. I then spent about another £25 on extra balls and £10 treating myself to 3 smoke grenades. You also had the option of paint grenades and flash bangs. The paint grenades were a bit meh but the flashbangs didn't half go off with a massive bang, I kind of wished I'd bought one. However, my yellow smoke kept me happy. The games were an interesting mix of rules. There were kill everyone games, catch the flag, kill a specific person, take over the huts and the best one which involved dropping a bomb (a bundle of sticks) into the ememy fort. I won the day on this one with a mad charge and face first dive and slide into some stinking mud. Top fun.
I went to a few paintball parties a few years ago, which mainly seemed to be dingy cellars in Bradford, but I have been to a forest one which was far better...
There was this one time where it was a Kill The King thing, and I was literally the last person left on the opposing team with the King taking refuge in this house. I got to the window and let a rip for at least 10 seconds, but found it odd that the whistle hadn't blown or that the king wasn't coming out. Turns out I'd run out of paintballs. The king just walked out, gave me the finger, laughed and since he'd run out too, they won. Gutting.
A grenade would have come in handy there. Look on the bright side though, at least he was out of ammo too so he couldn't shoot you at close range. That would have been worse, loosing and being in pain.
(L-R) Sam (HerzeilrdeadedD), Aaron (Fourth Norse), Martin James Crawfish, Me, Harris (thrash metal maniac), Fleva Flev, Ben (Bangover), Dave (Caspio) and Bill.
A regular sort-of-uk-thrash-but-not-really jamboree..