I've just finished it. I won't be going back and playing it again. The addition of an AI character to follow you through the entire game ruined it. Without Sheva, it could have been really good. As it is, I am left feeling disapointed and frustrated.
Anyone else played it? What did you think of the herb wasting, view blocking, pain in the arse ammo hog that was Sheva?
Well i played through it as a cooperative experience, it was pretty fun in that respect. The game itself was pretty much RE4 again and that was fine i guess, but the world has moved on since then.
I can imagine it would be less annoying in co-op mode, as a human would be more aware of not wasting herbs and ammo. However, I don't live with anyone to play it with me. I don't fancy playing a game of that size online, its just too big and trying to tie up with someone at the same times to play it would be a pain. I do most of my gaming when I'm on the 2-10 shift, that way the Mrs is in bed so I can hog the TV and internet connection without any bother.
The resident evil games have been traditionally good quality single player games. I loved that about them. Trying to make them mutli-player focused lessens the experience for me. I tend to find that with most games. I only really enjoy COD4 online, everything else gets on my nerves. When I pay a shit load of cash for a game I expect to get the full experience from that package. The game should not rely on me having an internet connection in order to get the most out of it. Games should cost less if they are relying on me having additional hardware, which they do not suppy, in order to get the best out of them. Well, aside from a tv that is, I don't mind them expecting me to have that as a standard.
By the way, I finished Wesker off with about 10 minutes worth of stabbing him. How cool am I?
I still need to play all the RE games I got on my limited edition RE4 gamecube which i purchased with my student loan. ohhhhhhhhh yeah! When that's done and I have a new laptop or computer then i'll play RE5.
-- Edited by Bottle_of_Piss on Sunday 23rd of August 2009 12:47:33 AM
-- Edited by Bottle_of_Piss on Sunday 23rd of August 2009 12:47:50 AM