I have a custom shop supreme bitch and it is a fantastic guitar. I also have 3 top line jacksons which are equally awesome.
Bottom line, cheap shit jacksons are shit, cheap shit BC Rich's are shit,
spend a good wedge on either make and you will get a fantastic guitar, it all comes down to how much you like the shape. For my money you can beat a 1990 Warrior or Kelly, although I am partial to a nice slim custom shop bitch or a stealth.
Just my 2 cents.
you'd better shut your mouth........or i'm gonna fuck it.
I bought a BC Rich Warlock about four or five years ago, it was the NJ series with reverse headstock, paid about 600 quid for it at the time. I also bought a Jackson DKMG or which ever one it is with the EMG active pickups, also with reverse headstock, about a year ago or so for 500 quid. Both of these guitars are pretty good as far as staying in tune and intonation and stuff is concerned, as long as the strings are fresh, I haven't really had any problems with either.
Both guitars have nice action and are easy to play, The Jackson however, sounds a lot better. I get a lot less noise and other crap with the active pickups on the Jackson, and it sounds so much better when cranked through an amp. The Warlock has a duller warmer tone to it but the Jackson sounds so much more lush. Also, the Jackson has a wider neck which I find easier to play on.
What I'll buy next I don't know. I've always fancied something old, like an old USA Strat or something.. But then for the money, there's a lot of guitars out there that look so much nicer..
I want one of those Warlocks, but in white. Id probably replace the pick-ups in it because i know that warm tone its got, and it also sort of feels like that to play? I cant describe it.